Monday, July 19, 2010

Are You A Fan of Humble Beast?

We love to highlight the independent artists and music.  This time we bring you an entire label, Humble Beast out of Portland, OR.  Featured artists: Theory Hazit, Braille, Odd Thomas, Propaganda, Citizen Aim, Foreknown.

Here is what their label has to offer to the culture and their impact on music:

Question: WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU take a collective of artists and attach the terms record label, hip-hop crew, support system and blend them together in a complimentary mission goal? Answer: Humble beast. In this day in age where most are concerned with brushing the dirt off their shoulders, our goal is wash the dirt off your feet. The conventional structure of a music industry powerhouse is a thing of the past. We openly embrace the outlets that technology permits but we hope to give back the character, honesty, and warmth that the digital age has squashed. How? Humility. Our aim is to put the music in the hands (or ears) of the listener for FREE if they choose. In a culture that has survived for so long on ego and falsehood, transparency is now the key. The consumers and fans of today feel that the product has been cheapened and overdone. Without sacrificing the quality and representation of the art, Humble beast wants to help level the scales that have been so wrongfully tipped.

Comprised of five initial artists, each pulling their own weight to accomplish this mission, we take the humble approach in offering the music we make for free. There’s a difference between an ego and confidence. We’re confident in our gifts and abilities but also understand we’re no better than the next man. We hope to profess, relate and share our view on life and the existence we live in and to do it well. Each artist has had their respective past nurturing and perfecting their craft from across the United States (Arizona, Ohio, Portland and Los Angeles). While our home is now in Portland, OR, our sound will reflect all that each member brings to the table. By handling all aspects of the production (music creation, writing, recording, beat-making, artwork, promotions and post-production) we want the final piece that the listener holds to be the best it can be, all presented in a “beastly” manner.

Our goal extends to when we take the stage: To be beastly in our delivery yet humble in our approach. When a listener comes to a Humble beast show, we see it as an opportunity to engage them. First, by giving them what they came for which is a well rehearsed, energetic, and ultimately face melting performance. Then, when we step off the stage, we embrace the opportunity to meet people, connect, and develop relationships. Days, months, even years later, when somebody says to them “I like this song! Who is it?” we want them to be able to say in all honesty “A good friend”.

Here is a joint by Theory Hazit to give you a good looks to the talent coming out of the Humble Beast.

Visit Humble Beast @ and support their music as a true fan, but we need to know...

Are You A Fan Yet?

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