Friday, June 25, 2010

Are You A Fan of Paragraphs? [Music]

"Minneapolis trio Paragraphs are keeping the post-rock sound alive with their stunning debut You Can’t Make a Ghost Without Its Sheet. An album chock-full of beautiful guitars, keys, and horns playfully dancing between the ears."

"With You Can’t Make a Ghost Without Its Sheet, Minneapolis based band Paragraphs has done what many new bands fail to do, which is to create a confident, emotive and polished sounding debut record that sounds well beyond their years."

"Paragraphs have crafted a gorgeous debut EP and are one of the more promising young bands in the Twin Cities."

"These guys (and gal) look like students at a clean, Midwest liberal arts university. It’s impressive, then, that a band so young sounds so traveled. Where today’s youth are hell-bent on being simply loud and loudly simple, Paragraphs ups the creative ante with their complex, rich arrangements."

That's a lot of pretty fantastic hype for this unassuming 3 piece out of Paisley Park Minneapolis, Minnesota, but it's well deserved. A little bit Mercury Program, a little bit Explosions in the Sky, Paragraphs (also sometimes known as Prgrphs) do all the stuff you'd expect out of any good indie/math rock/shoegaze outfit, but they have that extra thing. I can't quite put my finger on whether it's their affinity for the start/stops, or their passion for the sharps and flats, but it comes through in all their tunes and it never seems to get old.

If you like bands like the aforementioned Mercury Program and Explosions in the Sky, or bands like Maserati and If These Trees Could Talk, you should definitely check out Paragraphs. Their debut EP You Can't Make A Ghost Without Its Sheet is available for FREE on the band's website, but if you want to help Dan, Chris, and Brigitte out while they are recording their new record (which they funded completely by album sales and donations!), you can buy the album at CD Baby or iTunes. You can also check out their MySpace, Twitter, or Kickstarter page for updates.


1 comment:

  1. OMG, that video could not be any more cute. They sound very similar to Mercury Program and Explosions in the Sky and that's a good thing in my book. Great band!
