Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Shutter to think about the Island [SHUTTER ISLAND]

No, this has nothing to do with LOST. Although, I am going through withdrawal and I've sworn off TV since the finale aired (a replacement will never be found).  This is about the movie that I'm expecting to receive via Netflix.  Shutter Island (Shutter Island [Blu-ray]

I've heard nothing but good things about this and seeing how Martin Scorsese is behind it I wonder why I didn't see it when it released in the theatre.  The point of this post is to say that I feel like Scorsese's work has been more on the "stylish & artistic" instead of "stylish & blunt."  Think about how grimy Casino and Goodfellas felt compared to The Departed and Aviator.  Even Gangs of New York didnt feed me the tension I felt when watching Deniro stalk the Bowden family in Cape Fear.  I'm not saying the man lost his edge, I'm saying his style became sharper and isn't the blunt instrument of suspense it used to be.

With that said, Shutter Island is classified as a thriller.  I'm anxious to see if I get the classic Scorsese tension from the simple things.  Y'know things like having a midnight snack with your mother and friends while a body's in the trunk or am I going to get another Bringing out the Dead (I hope not).

With that said I have to ask, Martin Scorsese and Shutter Island.  Are You A Fan Yet?


  1. It was ok, but predictable and at times obvious. I thought it would be more of a thriller.
